Jim Elliott writes, "The issue of high property tax bills will still be with us because the 2023 session of the Legislature didn’t do anything to address the issue except buy time—at $675 a pop."
Tim Minow of Big Sky 55+ writes, "It is reckless and irresponsible to distress and scare Montanans with patently false information that will bring them anxiety, worry and sleepless nights."
Colorado, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and other states have lost their integrated wood products infrastructure and struggle to sustainably manage their forests. Montana must not go down that road.
Kim Abbott writes, "The Governor’s task force was created as a public relations solution to quell the anger about the Governor’s inaction on property taxes."
Mark O’Keefe and Dorothy Bradley write "We have enough trouble getting insurance coverage – be it home, auto, medical. We can’t afford to put Brown in charge of Montana’s biggest consumer protection agency!"
Cari Kimball writes, "Just days after the storm, NorthWestern made headlines when the utility announced its intentions to acquire Puget Sound Energy's shares of the Colstrip plant."
Jack Jenks writes, "The city's budget discussions seem to start with the assumption that there will be a tax increase. However, the goal of the discussion should be to avoid an increase or perhaps even decrease the burden on local taxpayers."
Jan Lombardi writes, "Too many Montana families cannot keep up with an annual $249-million property tax increase imposed by Republican Governor Gianforte and his party in the Legislature."
Josh Slotnick and Mike McGinley write, "It’s no secret that Missoula County and Beaverhead County are opposite in terms of politics, but we’re aligned when it comes to current property tax issues."
JW Westman writes, "These organizations may be based in Montana, but their funding comes from out of state, which should raise an automatic red flag. They have the time, money, and lawyers to realize their agenda."