I hope you’re all enjoying a good meal with your family and friends today. There’s a lot to give thanks for this holiday season, so I wanted to share some of the things Sharla and I are particularly grateful for this year.


Today and every day, Sharla and I give thanks for the life we’re blessed to lead. Together, we’ve been able to raise a beautiful family, continue working our farm, and form lifelong friendships with folks across our great state.


Our public lands are what make Montana the Treasure State. They’re the heart of our outdoor way of life and the backbone of our economy. And the best way to give thanks for the beauty and bounty of Montana’s great outdoors is by making sure they’re protected for generations to come.


We live in the best state in the best country on earth—because thousands of men and women have fought to keep it that way. So, I want to send a special thanks to our veterans and service members who have and continue to spend the holidays away from home and apart from loved ones so that we can live free and chase the American dream.

Finally, I’m thankful for the opportunity to keep serving you and fighting for these values in the United States Senate.

Please stay and touch and have a Happy Thanksgiving!