CONSERVATION: Yes, Our earth has many wonderful resources designed for our benefit in many ways, both materially and spiritually.

We all need to be responsible for using and maintaining them wisely, but we're often found lacking. External accountability plays an important role- whether "Public", "Private" or "Industrial" - from personal behavior to communities to government.

Personal - Do we hold each other accountable for throwing trash out the window etc. to be picked up by those who care? Any hiker can let you know how we're doing. Some golfers even take a trash bag along to keep the course clean.

Communities - How are we doing in Libby? Are our officials giving attention to that aspect of their jobs? or taking a "live & let live" approach to enforcement? - no new laws needed! The Libby Revitalization Committee were volunteers who did a lot of that accountability leg work. However, it died from lack of support by those who had the authority (or prioritized resources) to act on existing laws.

Industrial - Yes, as those who do, or don't throw trash,... administrators put effort towards meeting a need that not only serves us, but their own economic survival, public opinion and ... what they can get away with. What are the priorities and means of those who have authority to hold them accountable?

Public Lands - Have you noticed the increasingly closed roads on our current "public lands" - supposedly to enable our increased access?

To keep them accessible requires investment in governing maintenance. Have you noticed the difference in forests that are maintained and those that are "left primitive" to let "nature take it's course" and burn? Experts in Australia are revisiting the preventative practices used by the aboriginies - shouldn't we as well?.

According to the 2019 BLM report on 2018 public lands:

The total area of the 50 United States is 2.4 billion acres.

Total Public Domain is 1,840,709,120 acres:

1,807,533,440 land, 33,175,680 water = 75.6 %

Who is needing more? See for yourself:

CLIMATE CHANGE - A perspective of history from how the universe functions inter-relationally on a short-term versus long-term basis is needed to apply understanding and wisdom to our current conditions.

I see a very narrow perspective from our "climate change activists."

Short-term, surface evaluations are part of the "dumbing down" of education and manipulation of societies. Can we think for ourselves?

"EXPERTS" - How many of them have "hands on experience"? or are they ingrown recycled university students limited to "book learning," ideal philosophies, and enjoying peer accolades? Are they the proclaimed "expert majority"?

POLLS - Are generally from a select few. Of significance is how the questions are asked, where the emphasis is, and location. Results are easily manipulated toward a specific end - college campuses - revealing a home of mass brainwashing?

Shouldn't we ask ourselves: "Do we know enough to think we're right? But not enough to know we're wrong?"

Laura McGlasson, Libby MT