Being a Montana native, born and raised in Eastern Montana before moving to Missoula 41 years ago, I was intrigued by Monica Tranel’s childhood story. She is one of 10 siblings and I was the oldest of 9 siblings.

After hearing Monica speak about her life and how her family impressed on all the children the value of hard work, the importance of having a purpose and making a positive contribution in your life, I felt a kinship to her and her family as if we could have been close friends had we known each other at that time.

However, the similar up-bringing was not all that drew me to Monica. When she spoke to our group, she gave us specifics on what the PSC (Public Service Commission) does and her ideas on how it could be improved.

She explained how from her experience and knowledge of the workings of this board she could offer some common-sense decision-making strategies that would provide us all with smarter, more efficient and cheaper power. As a Montana rate-payer, I am always looking for ways to be a smart energy user who can also save money.

Monica Tranel has my vote for the PSC.

Mary Brannin, Missoula