The first “whereas” statement in the four-page Resolution 2021-087 introduced by the Missoula County commissioners and Missoula City Council begins with the assumption that white settlers forced tribal nations to do something against their will and the entire document assumes that white residents of Missoula city and county are the cause of ills of our community that simply do not exist.

Little attempt by these politicians has been made to let the public know about this resolution that goes into effect soon after a comment period that ends August 5.

We live in the most liberal, socialistic community in Montana and, as reflected in our property tax bills, taxpayers pay for a variety of programs that help a variety of people without regard to their background, race, or economic status.

To make the sweeping statement at the start of this resolution that our residents are sinners simply for being predominantly white, self-sufficient, law-abiding citizens that volunteer and work in our community is also to assume that we live in a very bad community not worth saving.

With this four-page resolution, these politicians, including the mayor, side with the United Nations in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights without regard to those of us that have the nerve to have financially and emotionally supported our families and friends, loved our community, helped our neighbors regardless of anyone’s color, earned a living, paid our taxes, and followed the laws established by the local, state and national governments.

Resolution 2021-087 is an insult to the hard-working men and women in the Missoula city and Missoula County government, health department and elsewhere throughout the Missoula area that has the sad fate of being born white and not “of color,” or of a certain sexual or political persuasion to the liking of the majority of these political bodies.

Most of the citizens of Missoula are white, but so what?  Color of someone means nothing, but these politicians think that’s all that matters. The resolution is focused on someone’s color or sexual preference and not on their value as a human for what they contribute to our community as a whole.

Because of this resolution, I see people being discriminated against for not being given jobs or opportunities of all kinds simply because they are white, even if they have the experience and education. No longer will people in Missoula be selected for their qualifications as Martin Luther King wanted. 

This resolution will force the city and county of Missoula to select services for citizens and employees to help them by race or sexual preference as defined by this resolution. That sounds like it violates federal law.

Taxpayers will pay for what it takes to enact all the policies in this resolution. Whether employees of Missoula city and county know it or not, their employment is on the line if they are white or in a human category that doesn’t match this resolution representing diversity, justice, equity and inclusiveness.

Since the politicians have been so quiet in letting voters and property owner know about this resolution and the August 5 comment period deadline, I conclude the majority of City Council and county commissioners really don’t care what taxpayers and voters think even this resolution will harm them.

Politicians, please stick to caring for good roads, delivering good-tasting water, funding sheriff deputies, firefighters and police officers, and leave the hard-working citizens of all colors and sexual persuasion alone.

Susan Campbell Reneau lives in Missoula.