
Mr. Elliot’s title of “Fearing Fear” is rather confusing to me. Who is afraid of what? And where is all of this anger he sees on a daily basis in his article? I think Mr. Elliot may be a little judgmental and prejudice, making assumptions of those who are driving their “New trucks, towing new motorhomes, boats and snowmobiles.”

And Yes, I will agree that people should not break windows, beat police officers or disrupt government proceedings. In fact, we as the “Sane and Civil Society” he mentions should ALL feel we can live in peace without FEAR or having to tolerate someone breaking windows, beating anyone, disrupting anything, burning any buildings, police cars, looting, destroying, marauding, attacking innocent bystanders, peeing and defecating on public sidewalks and …. (my list is far too long to post).

As for those who did any damage to the capital building that day, yes, I was appalled, and they should be charged accordingly. To date it is my understanding they have only been charged with Trespass and Vandalism. Yet several of those charged have been held without bail and many in solitary confinement for this entire time! I may have to ask Mt. Elliot if he finds that to be justice in a sane and civil society?

Mr. Elliot makes reference to a “Hypothetical Oppression” being promoted. Promoted? Hypothetical? His failure to acknowledge the “Physical Signs” of oppression of conservative views is rather silly and he is no doubt purposefully ignoring those "oppressions." Perhaps he missed that all social media platforms continually and blatantly blocked important news, real news about presidential candidate Biden, his son, his family and their massive lucrative multi-million dollar deals with Russia, Ukraine and China, all purposefully hidden from the American public the months prior to the election!

Perhaps he missed that former CIA and NSA directors Clapper and Brennan went on National News outlets and attempted to convince the public that the Hunter Biden laptop was a Fake News Russian Propaganda mechanism. All lies. If that doesn’t make Mr. Elliot concerned, it should! Concern about government corruption should make people angry!

Perhaps he has missed the many attempts of DC politicians to ban certain news organizations, universities not allowing speakers of certain political persuasion to speak, threats of labeling anyone of a certain political affiliation as an enemy combatant or a threat to democracy or a domestic terrorist if a simple parent voices concern that a rapist in school is going free and perverted sexual content is being taught to Kindergarten, First, Second and Third graders.

Mr. Elliot, there was no conspiracy to overthrow a government on January 6th. It was quite simply an overzealous crowd of voters who were and are still convinced that corruption dictated the outcome of a US presidential election. Perhaps you should read and study and become familiar with some of the evidence and be equally concerned that we are now living under the rule of an artificially imposed president. (Dictator).

I may also ask Mr. Elliot if he has any concern and find any desire to apply equal justice to the thousands of criminals who were coerced, conspired and manipulated by Fake News and social media to start over 500 riots, burn, loot, destroy and terrorize the entire nation during the 2020 election cycle. Specifically, the BLM and Antifa riots. No media coverage of any of those arrests or if there have been any! 

Any solitary confinement for them?

Gerry Cox, Corvallis