
Harmon’s Histories: Homestead Act proved difficult for political parties, governance
Harmon’s Histories: Homestead Act proved difficult for political parties, governance
Harmon’s Histories: Homestead Act proved difficult for political parties, governance
Consider this response from a Bitterroot Valley editor to the 1894 presidential election: “I look upon the result of the election as a forerunner of Republican success in the future. I regard it as an endorsement by the people both of the declared policy of the Republican Party and in its ability to do some thing in the line of its policy when in power."
Harmon’s Histories: Barney’s was a deluxe downtown store … and robbery target
Harmon’s Histories: Barney’s was a deluxe downtown store … and robbery target
Harmon’s Histories: Barney’s was a deluxe downtown store … and robbery target
If you’ve been in Missoula for a very long time, you’ll may remember the store on North Higgins, next to Woolworth’s, before it went out of business in the 1950s. Back in 1912, the Barnhill brothers, Garnett and Hyatt, bought Joe Fitzgerald’s menswear store, closed briefly for remodeling, then opened “Barney’s” for business at 222 North Higgins on August 1 with “new stock.”
Harmon’s Histories: Missoula County High School’s 1928 yearbook was ‘all Lindy’
Harmon’s Histories: Missoula County High School’s 1928 yearbook was ‘all Lindy’
Harmon’s Histories: Missoula County High School’s 1928 yearbook was ‘all Lindy’
“We have done our best and have endeavored to make this book worthy of him and to whom it is dedicated, Charles Lindbergh and the Missoula High School. It is with the hope, that every graduate of our institution will go through life conscious of Lindbergh’s spirit and ideals, that we present this 1928 Bitter Root.”
Harmon’s Histories: 100 years ago this week, Piggly Wiggly opened Missoula store
Harmon’s Histories: 100 years ago this week, Piggly Wiggly opened Missoula store
Harmon’s Histories: 100 years ago this week, Piggly Wiggly opened Missoula store
I see in the local paper that a new grocery store is opening in Missoula. The ad says, “Don’t forget to bring your ticket and vote for some institution to get a cash donation. Any child coming in with their parent will receive a treat and a pair of scary eyes” for Halloween. The trouble is, the ad is from one hundred years ago: September 27, 1924. So I’m a little late for the grand opening of Missoula’s Piggly Wiggly store.

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