Montana Kaimin

Harmon’s Histories: Pranksters beware! Stay away from Main Hall clock tower!
Harmon’s Histories: Pranksters beware! Stay away from Main Hall clock tower!
Harmon’s Histories: Pranksters beware! Stay away from Main Hall clock tower!
The skalliwags stole the hands off the clock tower on the University of Montana's Main Hall! According to the University of Montana campus newspaper, “One night in April 1907, six boys crept to the University clock tower at Main Hall” and stole the clock’s hands, even though a student by the name of Winninghoff (a track athlete and featherweight boxer) was assigned to sleep in the tower to prevent such hanky panky."
Harmon’s Histories: When ‘fake news’ was a fraternity’s spoof of UM students
Harmon’s Histories: When ‘fake news’ was a fraternity’s spoof of UM students
Harmon’s Histories: When ‘fake news’ was a fraternity’s spoof of UM students
“We print anything the others won’t!” declared the Montana Kaimin. The Kaimin also declared itself, “Montana’s Unreliable Newspaper.” The January 16, 1923 spoof-edition included headlines like “BOMBASTIC GAS BARRAGE BEGINS LIFE IDEALS CONFERENCE MEETING” and “CAMPUS GREEKS WILL SHED BLOOD IN EARLY GYMNASIUM-MASSACRES.”
Harmon’s Histories: UM’s thespians nationally known for 100 years … their bear cub, too
Harmon’s Histories: UM’s thespians nationally known for 100 years … their bear cub, too
Harmon’s Histories: UM’s thespians nationally known for 100 years … their bear cub, too
In 1908, UM's Quill and Dagger Society was “revived” with the production of “Tulu,” to be followed by “two other light productions, ‘The Box of Monkees' and 'Mr. Bob.' " Soon after, the Quill and Dagger Society became known as the “Montana Masquers” student group, and in 1918 “the group became the Masquer Theatre Organization, then later the Montana Masquers.”