Amy Cilimburg

Sustainable Missoula: John Engen, climate legislation, legacies and Momentum
Amy Cilimburg writes, "In the years after crafting that first plan, I spent many hours in John’s mayoral office, discussing what was missing in Missoula in the climate sphere, and he helped me imagine what would become our organization, Climate Smart Missoula."

Sustainable Missoula: Climate action and the paradox and hope of Earth Day
/ˈperəˌdäks/ noun a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true.

Sustainable Missoula: The future is not yet written
Amy Cilimburg writes, "We at Climate Smart Missoula are always seeking inspiration to build a future that sustains us all. Climate work can be hard. So, we seek out the scientists, policy nerds, artists, and fellow organizers who help us imagine a way forward."

Sustainable Missoula: “Smarty Pants” awards honor Missoulians for climate action
Sustainable Missoula staff write, "Thursday evening, we at Climate Smart Missoula hosted our annual year end celebration, gathering with fellow Missoulians to reflect on 2021 climate successes, build momentum for 2022, and share a bit of holiday cheer."

Sustainable Missoula: Stay safe during the smoky days of summer
Smoky skies have already arrived and may be with us for weeks or months, and we know that wildfire smoke has a host of serious health impacts. The good news is that there are simple and relatively inexpensive steps we can all take to stay safe.

Sustainable Missoula: The effects of climate change are upon us
Amy Cilimburg and Caroline Lauer write, "This is both weather news and climate news. And though the headlines might be unnerving, we’ve known this was coming. For decades. The effects of the climate crisis are upon us."

Sustainable Missoula: The year ahead, with change in the air
Amy Cilimburg writes in this week's Sustainable Missoula, "The new Biden-Harris administration is no doubt changing just about everything when it comes to addressing climate – bringing expertise, science, evidence, justice, and an “all-hands-on deck’ approach."

Sustainable Missoula: Finding the silver lining in a difficult year
Every December, one of Climate Smart Missoula’s favorite rituals is gathering with our community to celebrate another year of local climate momentum and to honor folks who have made special contributions to this collective effort, with our annual Smarty Pants Awards.

Sustainable Missoula: Local climate action continues with new Carbon Offset Program
Cornerstone Apartments provides a blueprint on how collaboration and persistence can help Missoula address both climate change and the immediate challenges of housing those most in need.

Sustainable Missoula – Vote for the Mountain Line mill levy
Mountain Line values the importance of clean air for a healthy community and has recently committed to a zero-tailpipe-emissions fleet by 2035, with six electric buses already on the road and six more to come.