The Missoula Current Obituaries page includes local death notices that have been submitted by surviving friends and family.To submit an obituary please click here.
Obituary: Dawn Marie Knie (Schaan)Obituary: Dawn Marie Knie (Schaan)Dawn Marie Knie (Schaan), 58, passed away in the comfort of her home with her husband Keven and beloved cat Buzz by her side on 12/5/2023.Missoula CurrentMissoula Current
Obituary: Lois Lavonne HenryObituary: Lois Lavonne HenryLois Lavonne Henry, 92, of Missoula, passed away on Thursday, October 12, 2023 at her home at Grizzly Peak from pancreatic cancer.Missoula CurrentMissoula Current
Obituaries: Frances "Frankie" Ann Flaherty Obituaries: Frances "Frankie" Ann Flaherty The world lost a beautiful soul on September 16, 2023 when Frances "Frankie" Ann Flaherty passed away.Missoula CurrentMissoula Current
Eugene David Schmitz (July 29th, 1947 – June 26th, 2023)Eugene David Schmitz (July 29th, 1947 – June 26th, 2023)On a warm morning in August 1977, a line of bicycles slowly peddled along old Route 93 southward toward Stevensville. Missoula CurrentMissoula Current
Sherry Lee Vachio (January 12th, 1945 – September 30th, 2022)Sherry Lee Vachio (January 12th, 1945 – September 30th, 2022)Sherry Lee Vachio, 77, passed away peacefully, surrounded by her three children, just after sunset on September 30, 2022, following three years with small cell lung cancer.Missoula CurrentMissoula Current