Jim Elliott

Montana Viewpoint: Book banning versus common sense
Jim Elliott writes, "If I wanted to keep my kids from reading a book the last thing I would tell them is that they can’t read it. I spent a lot of time as a kid under the covers with a flashlight reading books I wasn’t supposed to."

Montana Viewpoint: Freedom of religion, the why and the how
Jim Elliott writes, "When we object to certain portions of our enumerated freedoms, which form the basis of laws with which we may disagree, such as what some call the 'War on Christianity,' look to history to explain why they are there."

Montana Viewpoint: Tax cheats need to learn patriotism
Jim Elliott writes, "Of all the horrors Republicans see in the Democrats’ grossly misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act,” the biggest bogeyman is that the Internal Revenue Service is going to get funding to hire new employees to boost their auditing efforts."

Montana Viewpoint: Brad Tschida’s anatomy lesson
Jim Elliott writes, "Behold state Rep. Brad Tschida bringing national attention to Montana by announcing that a woman’s uterus serves no real purpose for a woman, that it is a “sanctuary” for the pre-born."

Montana Viewpoint: Who will guard the guards?
Jim Elliot Writes, "Whenever I hear someone talk about how honest they are, I instinctively put my hands in my pockets to see that everything that should be there is still there."

Montana Viewpoint: The thing about a flood and the secrets it spills
Jim Elliott writes, "Montanans have a right to know about the workings of government, and part of that would be the physical location of our elected officials as reflected in their office schedules."

Montana Viewpoint: A profits tax will not solve inflation problems
Jim Elliott writes, "Because Montana bases its corporate tax on what corporations report to the federal government, it’s safe to say that those same corporations did pretty well on their federal taxes, too."

Viewpoint: The importance of continuity of culture in local politics
JIm Elliott writes, "What I am looking for in county government is continuity of culture; that would be the Montana culture of hard work, common courtesy, helpful neighbors, and working together for the benefit of all."

Montana Viewpoint: A hard but important conversation
Jim Elliott writes, "As if Americans weren’t divided enough, the recent leak of the Supreme Court’s apparent decision on the fate of Roe v. Wade has added even more fuel to the fire, burning whatever political bridges still remain among us."

Montana Viewpoint: Hypocrites both left and right
Jim Elliott writes, "Let me lay aside, for the moment, any defense or interpretation of the actual concerns and dwell on the hypocrisy of both left and right, and the self-righteousness of those opposing the actions of others while defending their own actions as something akin to patriotism."