
Experts debate Trump’s immigration stance ahead of UM conference
Experts debate Trump’s immigration stance ahead of UM conference
Experts debate Trump’s immigration stance ahead of UM conference
When President Donald Trump issued his travel ban, the ensuing media coverage fell on immigrants trapped at the nation's international airports, and the high drama that unfolded in a Washington court; but repercussions also played out in Montana, and they continue to perplex state experts.
Missoula City Council celebrates, defends religious freedom
Missoula City Council celebrates, defends religious freedom
Missoula City Council celebrates, defends religious freedom
When a diverse group of Missoula residents formed Standing Alongside America's Muslims a year ago, they hoped to push back against a rising tide of Islamophobia. Never did they imagine that, a year on, the waves of anti-Muslim sentiment would have grown even stronger.
“Boomer Brigade” registers UM students on behalf of Dems
“Boomer Brigade” registers UM students on behalf of Dems
“Boomer Brigade” registers UM students on behalf of Dems
On behalf of the Missoula County Democrats, a small group of activists old enough to have voted for either Hubert Humphrey or Richard Nixon – though it was likely the former – gathered Monday at the University of Montana and registered a new crop of college-aged voters.
Special election likely to cost Missoula County an extra $140K
Special election likely to cost Missoula County an extra $140K
Special election likely to cost Missoula County an extra $140K
The outcome of several legislative battles surrounding next month's special election for Congress could influence whether Missoula County dips deep into its general fund, and whether it has to spend an additional $10,000 to shuffle its polling stations.

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