Missoula County Women, Infants and Children program accepting new clients
The Missoula Women, Infants and Children program, administered through the City-County Health Department, is accepting new clients who need assistance with dietary needs, nutritional education, breastfeeding support and other services.
“The program is open to all Montana residents who meet income-eligibility requirements and are caring for young children under the age of five,” said Missoula WIC Supervisor Kate Devino, “including mothers, fathers, grandparents, legal guardians and foster parents.”
WIC is a federal program of the Food and Nutrition Services of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The goal of the program is “to safeguard the health of low-income women, infants, and children who are at nutrition risk by providing nutritious foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating, and referrals to health care.”
“We know there are eligible families in our area not currently being served,” Devino said, “so we’re working to spread the word about the program so everyone who’s eligible can receive this assistance.”
Those interested in enrolling can call the Missoula WIC office at 406-258-4740, or contact a WIC office at one of their multiple locations throughout Missoula County, including the University of Montana, Lolo, Seeley Lake and the Missoula Food Bank.
For more information about WIC, how to apply, and location of clinics, click here: https://www.missoulacounty.us/government/health/health-department/healthy-people-healthy-families/wic