Montana outdoor economy grows 14%, 3rd largest nation
(KPAX) A newly released report shows that the outdoor economy in Montana continues to see growth.
The latest numbers from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) show Montana's outdoor economy grew 14% from 2021 to 2022 and outdoor recreation accounted for 4.3% of Montana's gross domestic product.
Those numbers put the Treasure State third in the U.S. based on the proportion of its economy associated with outdoor recreation's economic impact.
“Montana’s contribution is impressive, with the outdoor recreation economy driving $2.9 billion in economic output and providing support for 29,450 jobs across the state,” said Melissa Weddell, director of the Institute for Tourism and Recreation Research Director at the University of Montana.
She noted the growth from $2.5 billion in 2021 to $2.9 billion in 2022 GDP showcases the vibrant outdoor recreation industry and the economic prospects that come with embracing and investing in the outdoors.
The 2022 economic impact of outdoor recreation nationwide is $1.1 trillion, with employment for 5 million workers. Outdoor recreation now constitutes 2.2% of the nation’s GDP and employs 3.2% of the entire U.S. workforce.