Missoula County Republicans narrowly approved Matt Rosendale as their choice for the U.S. House on Tuesday and Greg Gianforte as their choice for governor.

County Democrats overwhelmingly supported Kathleen Williams in the House race and narrowly approved Whitney Williams as their choice for governor.

Across the county, Democratic voters far outnumbered Republicans in the primary by a margin of 24,170 to 15,080. On the Democratic side, 87% of voters supported Kathleen Williams while the race for governor was split, with 53% supporting Whitney Williams and 47% supporting Mike Cooney.

On the Republican side, 46% of county voters supported Rosendale versus the 36% backing Stapleton in the House race. In the governor's race, 52% of county Republicans supported Gianforte versus the 35% that supported Tim Fox.

The figures were largely flipped in early statewide returns, with Cooney leading Whitney Williams by 53% to 47% in the Democratic race for governor. Kathleen Williams held 89% of the Democratic vote in the House race.

On the Republican side, statewide voters supported Rosendale over Stapleton by 46% to 34%. Like Missoula County Republicans, they also favored Gianforte by 53% over 29% for Fox.