William Munoz

(Missoula Current) Hip hop and reggae both have origins in Jamaica. Styles that developed from the Africans, who were enslaved and brought to the Americas.

Rap, especially, has roots in the West African culture's call and response found in religious ceremonies. From the beginnings in 1970's New York City, hip hop/rap spread out of the city into other parts of the country throughout the 80's.

Perhaps one of the main reasons for the popularity of these musical forms entering the mainstream was Debbie Harry and Blondie's “Rapture” in 1981. There is a long history of black artists music entering the mainstream of American youth culture when a white artist presents it.

Elvis covering Big Moma Thornton's Hound Dog to Pat Boone covering Little Richards' Tutti Frutti, the black artists's music has “needed” the white artists to gain approval from the wider American society.

Hip hop and Reggae have gone through a similar evolution. The Dirty Heads, who played the Kettlehouse Amphitheatre, along with Yelawolf, exemplify this evolution.

Yelawolf is rapper Michael Wane Atha, who was born and raised in Alabama and Tennessee. Growning up in poverty and struggle, his music reflects that life. Born in 1979, he signed with Eminem's Shady Records in 2011.

Whereas Dirty Heads are from Orange County California and have a big multi generation following. The life influences couldn't be greater between these two bands, who nonetheless share the same stage and respect for the history of the music, a music that is popular as evidenced by the enthusiastic sold-out concert.

The weather held off once again for a pleasant evening.

Dirty Heads and Yelawolf at the Kettle