Serving in the Montana Legislature, we learned a lot about what makes an effective lawmaker: hard work, the ability to build consensus, and a commitment to the public good. Monica Tranel, who’s running for Congress, will be such a lawmaker.

Monica grew up in a big family on a Montana ranch. She competed for the US in two Olympics. A lawyer, she has had a long career protecting Montanans from powerful corporations and monopoly utilities that place profits over people. She is the mother of three daughters.

From these experiences she’s learned the importance of cooperation and mutual respect, grit and hard work, and protecting the less advantaged. She believes passionately that Montana has bright prospects. She believes that democracy, economic justice, and a sustainable future are worth fighting for, everywhere in the world.

Contrast Monica with Ryan Zinke, the likely Republican nominee. Zinke has repeatedly shown that he is unable to separate his personal and political interests. What comes first for Zinke is Zinke, not the public interest, nor justice, nor our children’s future.

We support electing Monica Tranel, who truly cares about Montana families and their wellbeing, to Congress. We hope you will join us.

Dan Weinberg (State Senate District 2 - 2004 - 2008) & Mike Jopek (State House District 4 - 2004 - 2011)