
Viewpoint: Green tariff with NW Energy won't help climate crisis
Viewpoint: Green tariff with NW Energy won't help climate crisis
Viewpoint: Green tariff with NW Energy won't help climate crisis
Mike Garrity writes, "As the technology for wind and solar energy has improved and prices have dropped for solar panels, the cost for renewable sources of electricity that have come online in the last decade are far cheaper, cleaner, and more efficient than NWE's carbon-based electricity generation such as Colstrip or its methane plants."
Vegas resorts ask judge to toss order on statewide energy rate
Vegas resorts ask judge to toss order on statewide energy rate
Vegas resorts ask judge to toss order on statewide energy rate
Dana Gentry (Nevada Current) An order from the Nevada Public Utilities Commission requiring Southern Nevada residents and businesses to subsidize $19.6 million in electricity charges for their Northern Nevada counterparts violates the PUC’s statutory mandate to “provide customers with just and reasonable rates” according to a petition for judicial review filed in Clark County District Court. The P

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