The Montana health department says the Board of Public Assistance is redundant and a bureaucratic hurdle that helps few people. Current and former board representatives say the rare cases in which the panel helps people are important.
Roger Koopman writes, "When the person you thought you knew gets elected to the legislature, something miraculous happens as he or she takes their seat in the House or Senate chamber for the first time."
All the stream segments have several qualities that need to be preserved, from wildlife to native fisheries and clean water to scenic and historic aspects.
Mayor Andrea Davis said the survey will establish a baseline by which the city can measure its progress across a range of issues including safety, utilities, taxes, mobility, the economy and community design, among others.
As property values increase, the value of a mill also rises. That means an increase in the amount of money cities and counties bring in on a fixed-mill levy.
The department said the shooting was part of an ongoing dispute between rival gang members and that immediately prior to the shooting, some of the juveniles in the stolen car had been displaying gang hand-signs.
The Senate Ethics Committee could find Sen. Jason Ellsworth violated ethical and criminal misconduct statutes if allegations of waste and abuse are borne out during the course of its investigation.
Morgan Slemberger writes that "Women in Montana face persistent barriers that limit their economic impact including one in particular: access to capital."