Law establishes pilot program in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to permit the decontamination of 15 low-risk, abandoned mines established before 1980.
Those with respiratory concerns aren’t the only ones with reasons to worry, an Intermountain Health study found, as Utahns with heart disease may be especially vulnerable to the impacts of air pollution.
A push to get a ban on some plastics on the November ballot could put the City of Missoula in a pinch regarding its new fiscal budget and the cost of the election.
Russ Doty writes, "Senator, Jon Tester, asked the right questions while seeking clarification on how EPA’s Mercury Air Toxic Standards (MATS) rule will affect Colstrip 3 & 4 and Montana consumers."
The EPA estimates the new standards will, by 2028, reduce emissions of fine particulate matter by 770 tons, reduce mercury emissions by 1,000 pounds, and stop thousands of other tons of greenhouse gases from being sent into the atmosphere.