Jay Reardon writes, "That disenfranchisement is a key reason why our legislature is so extreme. Without accountability, politicians cater to the political right and left, and alienate the 40 percent of voters who occupy the middle."
Election judges write, "Senator Tester was pivotal in drafting the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Together, these bills will help secure our democracy, ensuring that our system serves the people of our state and not the agendas of special interests."
A federal Montana judge on Wednesday temporarily enjoined two parts of a bill dealing with extra voter registration requirements that was passed by the legislature last year.
Robert Schlechter writes, "In its totality, “the rationale for creating a system of electors” is as relevant today as in the past. The Electoral College builds a legal wall around every state for tabulating votes. "
With U.S. democracy plagued by extremism, polarization, and a growing disconnect between voters and lawmakers, a set of reforms that could dramatically upend how Americans vote is gaining momentum at surprising speed in Western states.
Attorneys for MontPIRG and MFPE argued the new law passed under the bill sponsored by Rep. Lyn Hellegaard, R-Missoula, is so vague and broad that it violates the First and Fourteenth amendments to the U.S. Constitution and chills Montanans’ right to vote.
The Missoula County Elections Office last week gave a newly minted election law a dry run in anticipation of next year's sweeping federal election, when nearly every statewide race is up for grabs, along with the presidency.
Two Montana organizations have filed suit in federal court, claiming that a new state law intended to stop people from voting twice goes beyond its goal and could threaten lawful voters.
Population changes, security needs and shifting trends in how people vote could see Missoula County adopt a number of changes ahead of the 2024 election cycle, including the consolidation of polling places and a subtle shift in commissioner districts.