Viewpoint: Davis for mayor to address challenges
Marilyn Marler
I’m excited to vote for Andrea Davis for Mayor and I hope you’ll join me. I have known Ms. Davis for over 20 years in various civic capacities: Neighborhood Council, housing advocate at City Council meetings, respected voice for statewide housing solutions at the Legislature, as a neighbor, a friend, and a fellow outdoor enthusiast.
Ms. Davis knows how city government works, having worked with different departments and branches for several decades. At the State Capitol, she knows who to talk to and how to form bipartisan coalitions, which we need for property tax reform.
Ms. Davis’ organization installed one of the first and largest solar energy projects in Missoula, which is just one example of her ability to innovate. I appreciate her service on the Mountain Line Board of Directors and her love of our rivers and hills.
Ms.. Davis is an exceptional candidate at a time when we are once again experiencing big changes and big challenges. I want a mayor who is a direct communicator with a positive voice, and a mayor who has experience with policy and people in Missoula and across the state.
I want Andrea Davis to be our next mayor and I hope you’ll vote for her too.