RT Cox

Jordan Hess is a career bureaucrat. Mike Nugent is a career realtor. Neither of those careers is dishonorable, if that’s what you want to vote for.

Andrea Davis has a can-do, get-it-done housing career skill set which is (1) impressive, (2) successful and (3) what Missoula needs. Now. Show me anyone better at leveraging relationships between the private sector and government. Not to mention her ability to work with staff to maximize results, a great transferrable skill.

I also write to offer a solution to the incredibly embarrassing attempt by out-of-state big money (National Assn of Realtors) to buy an election while trying to intimidate Mike Nugent’s opponents. Mike already raised plenty of money. Let’s level the playing field (sort of) and give that NAR $125,000 to the Missoula Housing Authority for new housing.

Might even be tax-deductible.