Viewpoint: Legislature’s bills, words hurting children, schools
Sue Furey
The current Montana legislature has been nothing but depressing and discouraging when it comes to children, schools and communities.
I wasn't educated in Montana, but my three children were. Bonner, Hellgate and state universities. In addition, I was a public school teacher for students with individualized education programs.
When I read that parents don't think educators listen, or that they are indoctrinating students with unacceptable information, I am sad and discouraged. This is far from the truth.
As a teacher, I advocated for individualized education for students with different learning needs. Public school is where this happens, not privately funded schools. Some parents made sure their students with special needs attended public schools because that was where their needs were best met, even though their other children attended private schools.
As a parent I always paid attention to what was happening at my local school. I wasn't afraid to ask questions, share concerns, and offer constructive criticism. I was always treated with respect. Educators care about what is best for children and have always considered the school and family a partnership.
We need to SUPPORT and RESPECT our educators. Communicate your concerns, care for your schools and your children. Don't degrade a public educator