Viewpoint: Fairgrounds bond needed to bring facility into the future
Lisa Lee
I'm excited to support the Missoula County Fairgrounds bond. The current facilities are struggling to meet the needs of our community and it's time to reinvest.
Like a growing number of Missoula County families, hockey has become a big - and hugely positive - part of our lives. Our son will soon age out of the youth program, but we want as many other kids and families as possible to have this great experience.
The limited space in our Fairground facilities presents a challenge not just to kids and adults participating in skating and ice sports, but also to our county's popular agriculture education programs. The current facilities simply don't meet their needs.
The new and improved facilities will create more opportunities for agricultural education, expanded recreation for families and help our community host livestock shows, camps, competitions, tournaments and other events that bring in visitors from throughout Montana and beyond.
That's why I’m voting to support the Missoula County Fairgrounds bond. It will make possible an additional sheet of ice along with new exhibit and education space for programs like 4-H and FFA.
Please join me in voting for the Fairgrounds Bond to create new opportunities for Missoula’s youth.