Viewpoint: Nez Perce-Clearwater Forest plan based on best science
Cheryl Probert
By now you have read various opinions regarding the Nez Perce-Clearwater Forest Plan and draft Record of Decision. The Plan provides a strategic framework for future forest management; the draft Record of Decision articulates the decision with supporting rationale.
As required by law, this Plan is based on best available scientific information and seeks to provide for current social and economic needs while sustaining the health, diversity and productivity of the Forests for future generations.
With science and extensive collaboration as a foundation, the Plan was constructed by assembling tens of thousands of comments into management scenarios across the four-million-acre landscape, much like fitting pieces of a puzzle together to create a cohesive picture. My goal has been for everyone to see their “piece” in the completed puzzle, though it might not be shaped or positioned exactly as desired.
As we enter the home stretch of a twelve-year planning process, I encourage individuals with questions or concerns about the Plan to ask questions and review our documents: Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests - Planning (
Individuals who provided comments during formal comment periods have until January 29 to file an objection so unresolved concerns can be reviewed prior to a final decision. Individuals with “standing” who do not file an objection have an opportunity to stay involved as an interested party.
Our goal is to have a final decision in mid-2024. I sincerely appreciate the efforts of all who have participated thus far. This is your Plan. This is our future.
Cheryl Probert is the forest supervisor for the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest