Viewpoint: Former City Council member backs Hess for mayor
John Dibari
The mayor of Missoula plays a pivotal role in guiding the city’s priorities, day-to-day and long-range operations, and philosophic approach. This role demands a leader who can chart a path forward for our city that addresses all these things.
That’s why I support Mayor Hess.
I served as a city councilor with Jordan. I know him to be a person who is deeply thoughtful and compassionate. He understands nuance. He recognizes that grounded leadership requires an engaged citizenry, able staff, and strong vision for our community. He knows process and can ensure that city policies and actions deliver the outcomes our community wants and needs.
Don’t take my word for it. Jordan has a record. You can check for yourselves.
With Jordan you get what you see – a mayor focused on delivering pragmatic solutions to important city issues, including tax and social equity, building and maintaining quality-of-life in the face of a changing climate and challenging housing environment, and the inevitable changes that come with a growing city.
Please join me in supporting Jordan Hess for mayor.