Butte Skyline Sportsman Association

In December of 2021, we submitted an information request to Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks for the annual number of deer and elk licenses issued to nonresidents. That was done in response to growing frustration among hunters regarding perceived increase in nonresident big game hunters afield and our suspicion that hunters were being misled by statements that the annual number of nonresident deer and elk licenses issued was capped at 17,000 and not increasing through time.

Two months of delay, legislative assistance, incorrect information, and follow-up communication later, we were provided data that illustrated the number of nonresident big game combination licenses (Class B-10) issued through the annual drawing remained 17,000, but the Class B-10 was only one of many deer and elk license types issued to nonresidents.

When all available license types were considered, the number issued in 2021 was reported to be 59,395. Soon after publishing that number, we discovered an alternative Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks table indicating 66,644 deer and elk licenses were issued to nonresidents in 2021. That total was verified to us by Fish, Wildlife & Parks staff following another two months of requests.

Just as hunter frustration with nonresidents had exceeded a breaking point, so had our frustration with the laborious process of securing accurate nonresident hunting license information—something we felt should’ve been readily available. Given hunter response to those reported license sales and additional questions about other forms of hunting and fishing licenses, something we also felt should be available to the public moving forward without needing to pursue public information requests.

House Bill 593, introduced by Representative Marilyn Marler HD90, passed during the 2023 legislative session, now annually provides the information to the public. The bill directed Fish, Wildlife & Parks to publish an annual report detailing the number of hunting and fishing licenses issued to nonresidents by license type.

The initial report, which includes years 2019 through 2023, is available at https://fwp.mt.gov/legislature. It shows that 85,228 base hunting licenses and 60,978 deer and elk licenses were issued to nonresidents in 2023. The number of base hunting licenses issued increased from 58,254 in 2019.

If you're concerned about nonresident hunting pressure, it’s important to understand that nonresident hunting license allocation is determined by state legislature and to participate in the legislative process. Legislative processes, including legislator contact, introduced bills, hearings, and votes can be followed at https://www.leg.mt.gov.

Les Castran, president, and board member Marty Petritz of Butte Skyline Sportsman Association.