Viewpoint: Nugent has the executive experience needed as mayor
Sue Orr
Executive experience matters in the mayor’s office and comparing the two candidates, Mike Nugent has it over his opponent.
Mike is the executive vice president of a statewide brokerage firm supporting 300 professional staff across the state. In terms of number of employees, the city of Missoula is 25 times the size of HomeWord.
It’s like comparing the population of Missoula, (74,000) to Phoenix or Philadelphia (1.6 million). The city of Missoula is complex, with over 500 employees working across 17 different departments each with its own challenges .
The new mayor must be prepared to lead within days after the election. This is not the place for untested leadership. Mike Nugent’s almost two years experience on council is important because he knows the system, but he hasn’t been there long enough to be entrenched in the way things have always been done.
He wants a zero-based budget based on needs not wants. And he wants new ideas, not the same old same old.
Folks, Mike is a change maker and he has an open door and wants to listen. He’s ready to be mayor on day one!
Your ballot has postage included and takes 30 seconds to fill out. Missoula’s future is too important to sit this one out! Come on Missoula, VOTE, for Mike Nugent.