Gary Matson

This is in response to Roger Koopman’s article in the November 20 issue of the Missoula Current, on the differences between conservatism and liberalism.

Boy, Roger, are you ever full of it! If you wrote a political dictionary, it wouldn’t be worth the paper it was printed on. Your words reflect only your own narrow, prejudiced, poorly informed views.

In the past, conservatives and liberals have been honorable, effective participants in our political system. The two provided a policy balance that, although not without controversy, has kept our society just, respectful of differences in beliefs, and sustainable.

Today, MAGA conservatives are led by a convicted felon who lied and cheated for his own benefit. He is crude, vulgar, disrespectful, self-centered, and vengeful.

Like him, MAGA conservatives believe that everyone’s personal values, and lack of, must match their own, and it’s therefore their right to dictate beliefs to others.

Like him, they ignore the scientific truths that must be considered in charting a path towards a sustainable and prosperous future. Instead, their goal is to do away with all the regulations that stand in the way of profit. They’ll make the rich richer, the planet poorer, and the rest of us will pay for it.