Viewpoint: Sheehy wrong about ‘indoctrinated’ young women
Larkin Voss
More Tim Sheehy Tapes just came to light, and this time he’s saying that women like me, under the age of 30, are “indoctrinated” and only care about one issue – abortion.
Not only is this incredibly ignorant of the numerous issues important to young Montanans, such as housing costs, public lands, health care, and so much more – it discounts a major priority for so many young Montana women.
Reproductive freedom is a huge deal, and our bodily autonomy has been up for debate for too long. Montana women don’t want the government in our doctor’s offices, we want to be able to make our own medical decisions. And we certainly don’t want Tim Sheehy making any decisions regarding our reproductive freedom.
Young women in Montana care about your attacks on reproductive freedom, public lands, and rural health care at the same time – and we’ll be thinking about your dangerous policy positions when we fill out our ballots this fall.