Jerome Walker

You don’t have to be a retired neurologist like me to know that elderly folks aren’t as sharp and energetic as people in their fifties, the average age to become president.

A majority of Americans decided long ago that Biden and Trump were both too old. Trump is the oldest presidential nominee in history, is overweight, and doesn’t exercise much. A recent coronary CT scan ominously revealed heart disease, according to CNN.

Is Trump running to continue a long career in public life? Trump avoided Vietnam due to heel spurs, and weirdly was the first president with zero prior experience in public service, so that’s not likely. Does he understand that being president should be the world’s most exhausting job and carries risk? He confuses Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi; Biden with Obama; and fiction with reality in his long, rambling speeches and interviews, so maybe he actually can’t understand.

Simply retiring to Mar-a-Lago with his trophy wife to chase golf balls and other women would still be legally risky.  If Trump becomes president again, perhaps he’ll abuse the office to avoid prison. He should instead seriously consider fleeing to Abu Dhabi, like former Spanish King Juan Carlos did after his tax fraud and extramarital affair case.

The wanna-be king and disgraced king have so much in common they could be buddies! How much better to hang out in Abu Dubai than to wear an orange jump suit. The desert heat might also help his heel spurs.