Andy Kulla

I’m an independent, I vote on issues rather than candidates or parties. I also live in reality. If we want our nation and democracy to survive, a candidate has to be grounded in reality, fact and truth.

We can’t be a nation lead by a man, as Dylan wrote “who lies with every breath”.  And we can’t elect Senators, Congressional Representatives, State legislators or local officials who support candidates who don’t believe in reality.

Housing, abortion, immigration, inflation, foreign policy, these issues require a candidate who is based in reality. Trump and his sycophants live in a world of lies intended to inflame and turn us against each other. Review Montana 101: we help our neighbors, live and let live and mind our own business.  The opposite of Trumpism.

Testor or Sheehy? A multimillionaire Minnesota transplant with three mansions vs Testor who drives a tractor and fixes equipment on his farm every weekend with his wife in Big Sandy. Testor’s record of working with anyone for the betterment of Montana is proven: Trump signed at least 18 bills Testor sponsored and Biden has done likewise.

Tranel or Zinke? Zinke, who seems to live in California, failed and was fired by Trump as Secretary of Interior. Tranel offers to unite us and work with everyone.

Busse or Gianforte? Remind me how Gianforte, a billionaire with four mansions and who raised your property taxes while cutting his own, represents regular Montanans.  Busse, on the other hand will work with anyone and is about as down to earth and “Montana” as you can get. And Sheehy, Zinke and Gianforte pledge allegiance to Trumps world of lies.

As you vote, please set aside all the party background noise, do a reality check and vote for candidates who will govern based on reality.