Viewpoint: Vote for the Democratic Party
Stan Frasier
There are often letters urging people to study the candidates before they vote, it is much simpler than that, NEVER VOTE FOR A REPUBLICAN! Even if you think you have found a reasonable Republican it doesn’t matter, if the GOP is in the majority. The Republican Party has become a party of radicals and wingnuts who will run over or drive out any member who is reasonable.
Republicans don’t like Social Security, Medicare, public education, public land, day care, or lunches for school children, women’s reproductive freedom or anything that is for the public good.
The Republican Party cannot win without lying. Republicans have been making it more difficult for people to vote using the lie of “voter fraud.” During the special election when Slugger Gianforte was first elected, county election officials wanted to vote by mail to save money. Republican legislative leaders sent a letter to their members saying “If we allow vote by mail to many people might vote and we could lose the election.”
Republicans don’t seem to like democracy. Republicans in the Montana legislature have attempted to overturn nearly every citizen initiative passed by the voters of Montana. Recently our part time AG refused to certify the language of CI-128 so that it could go out for signature gathering, then our Secretary of State tried to gum up the petition counting process.
Republicans have given us the worst president in our history. Trump cannot speak without lying; he is a thief, a career criminal, a racist, a traitor and a fascist, has said he wants to be a dictator and he cheats at golf. Trump has no redeeming human qualities. Trump is a person you would not want as a neighbor; I cannot comprehend how any normal intelligent person could want him as President.
Sheehy, Gianforte, Zinkey, and Dowling have all said they are “proud Trump supporters”, this alone shows they are either not wise, or they are dishonest, or both.
Republicans have a weird obsession with other people’s sex lives. Sheehy, like many republicans looks good, talks good but he thinks badly he is one of those Christian extremists who think they should be able to tell everyone else how to live.
Montanans are paying more for electricity thanks to Republicans Electric Deregulation scam and Republicans in the Legislature and on the PSC give Northwest Energy everything they ask for. Montanans paid higher property taxes because Gianforte refused an easy fix that would have avoided this problem.
Republicans guiding principle is,” Steal from the poor and give to the rich." Stop the Republican war on women; vote for the Democracy Party not the Fascist Party.
Stan Frasier is a former Republican, member of Lewis and Clark Co. Conservation District board 30 years, member of Baxendale Fire Department fire fighter and trustee over 30 years, former member of Lewis and Clark Co. Water Protection District, Former Board member of Helena Planning BOD, former President of MT Wildlife Federation, and author of I-143 Game Farm Initiative.