Viewpoint: Montanans voted for Daines to support wilderness bill
Scott Mylnechuk
My mother, a fourth-generation Montanan, regularly preached “leave it better than you found it.” Now that I’m a father who hunts and fishes on public lands and waters with my family, the reason behind this message really resonates: I want to ensure that the opportunities I had are also afforded to my son, Walter.
The cold, clean water flowing out of the Scapegoat, Bob Marshall and Mission Mountain Wildernesses into the Blackfoot River provides life to a diverse ecosystem. It’s also where many of us recreate and find year-round solace.
It’s no secret how special this landscape is, but it remains a mystery why Sen. Daines has continued to hold hostage the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act, legislation that would protect the area forever.
Eighty-three percent of Montanans support this bill, and Sen. Daines himself admitted that he has no problem with it, but he’s still playing DC politics by demanding a king’s ransom in return for his support.
That’s not why Montanans voted for Sen. Daines to represent us. We don’t want him to play games. We want him to listen to more than four of five of his constituents and leave this landscape better than we found it.