Roger Koopman writes, "This precedent-setting monstrosity has become the top priority of the abortion industry and the abortion-infatuated Democrat Party."
Roger Koopman writes, "It is the ideology of the Left that is dedicated to expanding the size, power and coercive influence of government in our lives – the extreme opposite of personal freedom. The ideology of take whatever you want from others and call it a 'right.'”
After a legal challenge that stretched out for over a decade, the Montana Supreme Court has invalidated a state law that would have required parental consent before a minor could get an abortion.
Proposed regulations would require clinics providing abortions in the state to meet sweeping new health standards, despite a likely vote in November on a constitutional amendment to protect abortion access.
While Washington wants to block an FDA decision on mifepristone because it imposes too many restrictions, Idaho wants the block because the decision doesn't go far enough.
Montanans for Election Reform and Montanans Securing Reproductive Rights, the two groups behind the three initiatives, had said last Friday they had already met the necessary number of signatures.
While a majority of rank-and-file Republicans oppose a law guaranteeing a nationwide right to abortion, many support laws allowing access to abortion in certain situations.
Montanans Securing Reproductive Rights accused the state Secretary of State’s Office of inappropriately discarding signatures from registered but inactive voters and is threatening legal action.
Tim Sheehy, the Republican candidate seeking to unseat Democratic Sen. Jon Tester of Montana and give U.S. Senate control to the GOP, is campaigning on what he calls Tester’s and Democrats’ “extreme” position on abortion.