Steve Kelly writes, "I am ashamed of our county government and their bullying tactics, apparently aimed at deregulation, social destabilization, and seizure of rural land for the exclusive private benefit of Bozeman’s expanding ruling elite."
The Bozeman City Commission provisionally adopted an ordinance at its Tuesday night meeting that will put restrictions on urban camping on city streets.
Moonshine, magpies, trolley tracks and a new theater headlined the news 100 ago this month in Bozeman. Quite a crowd gathered on May 8, 1923 to watch officers dispose of “40 gallons of moonshine whiskey by pouring it down a manhole near the courthouse corner.”
While Missoula and Bozeman are perfectly suited to let voters consider local measures, including the regulation of single-use plastics, a bill passed by the Legislature in 2021 gives more power to lawmakers from the likes of Circle and Malta – both located hundreds of miles away – than it does to municipal voters grappling with local issues.
In the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Montana State University students got together to take action — in the form of the Ukraine Relief Effort.
Led by several from Missoula and Bozeman, Montanans testified in favor of a bill to reverse a law passed two years ago that prohibits cities and towns from taking individual action to limit single-use plastics.