Critics say the utility relies too heavily on energy sources that are both more costly to customers and more polluting, and it could use more affordable and cleaner options.
CEO Brian Bird writes, "Some statements being made this campaign season about NorthWestern Energy and Montana property taxes are flat out wrong and misleading."
The award will also fund the Basin Electric Power Cooperative’s project creating jobs, reducing emissions and providing cost benefits for residents across Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota.
Peter Burns writes, "The utility's actions dictate its reputation, and its current actions regarding public health air quality protections are reprehensible."
While the city's energy and climate team has helped make Missoula a regional leader in addressing climate change, the volunteer team is no longer needed, city officials said.
Federal land managers Thursday released an updated roadmap for solar energy development across 11 western states, a plan that opens about 32 million acres of federal lands to utility-scale solar development.
A number of oil and gas leases in southern Utah, one of which was so controversial that seven Democratic U.S. senators urged the federal government to cancel it, are now the subject of an environmental lawsuit.