County treasurers are left with the thankless task of sending supplemental property tax bills to hundreds of thousands of property owners across Montana.
Counties chase growth, but that isn’t a solution either because growth doesn’t pay for itself; rather, new houses require new fire trucks and police and roads.
Missoula County writes, "Montana’s tax system is sorely outdated, and, to paraphrase former DOR Director Dan Bucks, is now rigged in favor of larger corporations and utilities, at the expense of homeowners and renters across the state."
Dick Barrett writes, "Even if reappraisal had been neutralized by the Republican legislature, we would still be left with the regressive property tax system we have in place today, with hardly any relationship between tax bills and ability to pay."
Ann Brodsky writes, "The Montana Department of Revenue told the Governor and Legislature – in November 2022 – how to change the statutory formula so increase in home values would not lead to an increase in homeowners’ taxes."