The committee also voted in support of two bills that would allow groundwater pumping regulations in protected areas to be lifted in groundwater basins recovered to previous levels.
Trump claims his order will send more water to firefighters in Southern California. Except the Central Valley Project only delivers water to farms in the center of the state.
The fish only live in the freshwaters of Goose Lake and its tributaries in south central Oregon and northeastern California, where the Center for Biological Diversity say they are threatened by agriculture and climate change.
The Seventh Oregon Climate Assessment from state and federal scientists and researchers evaluates the what the future could look like based on increasingly precise forecasts.
Snowpacks in Nevada are off to a promising start, but whether the state will see another generous winter and hardy water year will be determined over the next three months.
Kyle Dunphey
(Utah News Dispatch) Despite the various steps lawmakers have taken in recent years to get more water to the Great Salt Lake, researchers say there’s no way to truly restore the lake without cutting back on the production of crops like alfalfa.
The first decent snowfall hit the lawns of Missoula on New Year’s Day and the Missoula International Airport had received 0.7 inches of precipitation by Sunday evening, more than fell during the month of December.
California’s first winter snowpack survey of 2025 showed the snowpack at 91% of the average to date and 37% of the average on April 1, when the Sierra snowpack is typically at its peak.