Pat Earnest

The recent attention on out-of-state, partisan funding the Montana Supreme Court races by national Democratic Party groups is a serious concern that completely disregards the nonpartisan nature of the race.

Montanans have time and time again made it clear that politics do not belong in the judicial branch of government. Candidates need to resist accepting partisan group funding and endorsements.

Unfortunately, Jeremiah Lynch has received and accepted the endorsement from the partisan Montana Rural Voter Action Fund, that funnels thousands of dollars into leftist candidates across the state. He has made several promises on outcomes of cases that will come before the court; Lynch has complete disregard for the right to a fair trial and will bring politics into the courtroom.

Thankfully, the Primary Election results showed overwhelming support for Cory Swanson who has committed to voters that he will never accept partisan group funding and has put impartial judicial beliefs before politics.

Electing Cory ensures that the Montana Supreme Court will be fair, impartial justice, regardless of personal or political beliefs.

Pat Earnest

Stevensville, MT