Viewpoint: ‘Woke’ attitude stirs frustration, generalizations
Nathan Boddy
In a recent viewpoints’ submission, author David Daniels urges Montana to ‘Stay Woke.’ His piece traces the etymology of the word, and its association with being educated and, “aware of other cultural and social perspectives.” Daniels’ main point is that being considered ‘woke’ should be a compliment, and that resistance to it has become a rallying cry of regressive, fascist Republicans.
Yet, embedded within Daniels’ argument is an attitude that itself has, unfortunately become synonymous with being ‘woke.’
Daniels writes that the MAGAsphere’s political actions invite “ignorance and stupidity to replace competence and truth,” and goes on to say that “their goal is to destroy public education.” He writes that, based on their attacks of “woke” policies, Republicans have shown that “stupidity” has become part of their political dominance. His piece ends with a comparative look at state-level education and how it determined certain state’s voting in the presidential election. His point is painfully clear: smart people vote left, and stupid people go right.
Rest assured, I am completely and utterly horrified at the direction our country may go under Donald Trump. However, nearly half the country voted for Trump because they were reacting to fear, frustration and misunderstanding. They did not cast their ballots in favor of ignorance or the destruction of public education.
Every time someone within MAGA World claims that progressives want to throw open our borders, adopt communism, outlaw religion or erase genders— I slap my head in frustration. I consider myself a progressive, and I don’t support any of these. But MAGA talking heads love to paint lefties as unhinged lunatics who mutilate children and drink their blood, because it’s much easier to hate your opposition if you believe them to be evil.
I’m frustrated and angry, as I’m sure, is David Daniels. I believe that Trump has a vacant soul and will gorge himself on power and riches in attempt to fill that void. Unfortunately, there is no shortage of sycophants who are willing to ride his coat-tails into the abyss.
However, we have to resist painting nearly half the country with that same brush. Many Americans are exhausted, under-paid, under-appreciated and rightfully scared of a changing world. If they voted for Trump because they hoped for a brighter future, then at least they voted with hope.
MAGA Americans, Trump loyalists, and old-school Republicans make up many of my neighbors. They are my fellow Montanans and Americans with whom I share a deep concern for our country. I believe they were wrong in their hopes that Donald Trump would lead America to a better place, but I won’t wag a condescending finger and blame their lack of education.
There is plenty of blame to go around. Instead, I try to remember that I likely have far more in common with many of them than either of us have with the party that just returned to power, or the last one that had it. We have all been the pawns in this game of ‘divide-and-conquer,’ and it’s been our collective lack of attention that left the gate wide open, allowing the wolf to march right in.
In closing, I will keep up the fight and I will not bend to Trump’s sick vision of the world. But if hurtful generalizations and elitist attitudes are what being ‘woke’ is all about, you can count me out.